Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jan 8 Don't Just Stand There!

 Some inspiration, old favorites and new favorites:

Have you seen Alex Alice's Blog?
Have you seen Jeremy Encecio's Blog?
Have you seen Peter Sakievich's Class Notes Blog?
Have you seen Germán Banano's Blog?

"How can you succeed without failure?"


  1. Beautiful stuff as usual, man! and thanks for sharing those links. :)

    All the best!

  2. Awesome links ! Oh man that jeremy enecio is too good.

  3. I like the coffee stained sketches, That's a nice color might go well with your new fountain pen, the brown ink <3

  4. Some lovely sketches, especially loving the ones with the stains. I'm really thrilled with those links as well. I'm now seriously considering pursuing Alex Alice's graphic novels. Would have to read through them at glacial pace with a translator, but somehow I think it would be worth it!
