Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gesture sketches

Been hitting up the U of U's Saturday session lately, been so long since I've done figure drawing let alone gestures. Makes me happy. Anyhow, most of these are 5's with some 2's mixed in. Funny that when I go over 5 they get really bad...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. listen, I love you love the images......................... But i need your help. D: my gorilla artfare password ain't goddamn workin. So i tried reseting it which probably means i sent you an email...

    Your's truly,

    David MrDelicious Rapoza <3

  3. Hi man!
    Your work is freaking awesome!
    There´s nothing more beautyful than watch the creative process of an artwork.
    the idea of create a blog exclusively for your sketches is great!

    I hope you see my stuff un my blog


  4. Wonderful works, particularly love the color pieces

  5. Robin: Sankyu sankyuuuuuuu.
    Josef Knoll: Thanks man, these were fun.
    Anonymous: Haaaaaaa you dork :P
    Luciano: Thanks very much! I've enjoyed having a blog just for the doodles.
    Kay Hargrove: Thanks very much! Enjoy your work :)

  6. These gesture drawings are wonderful.
    Hope you're doing fantastically well.

  7. ...and gestures make me happy too.
